
Great Hope Baptist Church
Chesapeake, VA
Dear Pastor:
Nathaniel and Christy Minion have served on the staff of our church for 3 years as missionary interns. They are preparing to go to Labrador, Canada as church planters assisted by Baptist International Missions, Inc.
Nate is a sober and committed young man who has been a very loyal and competent servant on our staff. He was raised in a strong Christian home with a great local Independent Baptist Church influence. Christy has served as a teacher in our Christian school and understands the ministry having grown up in our home. They are both very talented in music vocally and instrumentally. We feel confident that they possess the gifts and commitment to do a great work on the mission field. Labrador is a much neglected area of Canada which the Minions are challenged to pioneer.
They will be a great addition to your missions program. I hope that you will consider partnering with Great Hope Baptist Church to help the Minions in this needy area of the world. As a pastor over seeing a large missions program I am aware of the need to place a priority on where we invest mission dollars. The Minions will be a good investment of mission funds.
Please prayerfully consider having them for a meeting to expose your church to Labrador.
Dr. John W. Godfrey

President, Ambassador Baptist College
Lattimore, NC
Dear Pastor:
One of the blessings of leading Ambassador Baptist College is constantly being around men and women who are serious about serving the Lord. Nate and Christy Minion are two such people. During Nate’s time at Ambassador, I watched him grow from being a timid, shy teenager into a fine preacher with a heart for the world. Before he ever came to Ambassador, God was preparing him for the ministry through the guidance of a fine Christian home and quality musical training.
I have had the joy of knowing Christy since she was a little girl. Being raised in a pastor’s home, she is well-acquainted with the demands of the ministry, and I am confident that she will be a great asset to her husband’s ministry.
These two servants of the Lord are worthy of your consideration. I hope that you will pray about helping the Minions as they do their part in preaching the Gospel to every creature.
Under His Wings,
Alton Beal
President, Ambassador Baptist College

Founder and Chancellor, Ambassador Baptist College
Lattimore, NC
Dear Pastor:
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Nate and Christy Minion, missionaries to Labrador! I must admit that I knew little of Labrador until I learned that God had called the Minions to serve Him there. After doing a bit of research and hearing Nate’s burden for the field, I am praying that God will speedily send the Minions to that needy and cold country—cold both spiritually and physically.
God has gifted the Minions with a multitude of talents. In addition to Nate’s outstanding musical abilities, God has blessed him with an ability to carefully and effectively preach the Word of God. He is a faithful Christian with a consistent and solid testimony for our Lord. His character is without reproach, an important attribute for those in ministry today!
Through their years at Ambassador Baptist College, God led Nate and his wife Christy together. Both come from godly families and have grown up serving the Lord and serving others in their local churches receiving valuable ministry experience. I am excited about the effective ministry that God will give them together in Labrador.
Pastor, I encourage you to invite the Minions to be a part of your church’s missionary family and to pray with me that God will speed them on their way to Labrador!
Because of Calvary,
Ron Comfort